We are Vegan Friendly
Vegan Wines
What makes a wine Vegan?
One of the stages involved in the vinification of a wine is the clarification process, which consists of separating the must from the solid particles that still persist, in order to clarify and filter the liquid.
Normally, in this process, gelatines of animal origin (pork), fish glue or egg white are added. Aware of this reality, Ribafreixo chooses only to use elements of mineral or vegetable origin.
In this way, not containing any ingredients of animal origin or derivatives, our wines assume the Vegan condition, allowing, in turn, vegetarian or vegan consumers to enjoy a glass of wine and maintain the concept and lifestyle in which they believe .
This same guarantee is given on the labels of all our wines, through the Vegan symbol, duly authenticated by the Vegan Society.